Greetings in the name of our Crucified, Risen, and Ascended Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ!
Following my signature is an article that ran in today's Standard Examiner regarding Layton Grace Presbyterian's effort to purchase our Trinity Lutheran Church property on Golden Ave. in Layton, Utah.
My understanding is that they will be meeting a week from Sunday or so to assess the progress of their fund raising efforts.
Meanwhile, our property committee continues to investigate rental properties to which we can move if/when the sale funds. We currently are considering properties just south of the Clearfield Municipal building in the Towne Square Shopping Center; just north of the Layton Hills Mall and across the street from the America West Credit Union on Hill Field Road; and just North of the Golds Gym building in Layton on Fort Lane.
For now our preschool continues to take registrations and make plans for the 2009-2010 school year, and we continue to assemble here at 385 W. Golden Ave. for the Divine Service every Sunday at 10 am with Bible Study preceding at 9. Also Wed. Vespers services at 7pm.
Please stay tuned for updates and keep this in your prayers so that our faithful Lutheran practice of the faith may continue here in the high desert wilderness.
Your appreciative servant of the Word,
Rev. Kurt Hering, Pastor
Trinity Lutheran Church
Layton, Utah
Layton's Grace Presbyterian Church seeks its own chapel
Standard-Examiner staff
LAYTON - Grace Presbyterian Church of Utah has been active in Layton
for more than 10 years. According to a recent news release, the church has
met in several different locations but has not had a home of its own. The
congregation is now embarking on a fundraising campaign to purchase a
permanent meeting facility.
The property, near I-15 south of Hill Field Road, is owned by Trinity
Lutheran Church, which has agreed to sell it provided Grace can raise the
necessary funds by July 14, the news release states.
Grace Church of Utah serves the Northern Wasatch front, including
airmen and civilians stationed at nearby Hill Air Force base. The
congregation of Grace believes it is important to have a physical, as well
as a spiritual, presence in the community, the release states.
To reach this goal, Grace Presbyterian Church of Utah is attempting to
raise $425,000, mostly through pledges from current and former members,
and also is approaching donors from outside Northern Utah to help the church
minister to an area that has historically had relatively few evangelical
congregations. According to the release, the congregation hopes to be
celebrating the dedication of its church building this fall. Grace Pres
byterian Church of Utah is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America.