Friday, December 15, 2006

Behold! The Christmas Tree

"Oh, Christmas Tree"
[Text: Rev. Kurt Hering to be sung to the tune of "O Tannenbaum] A carol written to accompany the Christmas Eve sermon entitled, "Behold! The Christmas Tree," proclaiming the cross as the Alpha and Omega of Christmas trees – the tree of life.

1. Oh, Christmas tree, Oh, Christmas tree
How lovely are your branches
Oh, Christmas tree, Oh, Christmas tree
How lovely are your branches
For on those boughs so stark and bare
God’s Child condemned, took our place there.
Oh, Christmas tree, Oh, Christmas tree
How lovely are your branches.

2. Oh, Christmas tree, Oh, Christmas tree
How lovely are your branches
Oh, Christmas tree, Oh, Christmas tree
How lovely are your branches.
Christ’s body given And His blood
Oh, tree of life from you for food.
So let us feast forevermore
On Him who graced your branches.

3. Oh, Christmas tree, Oh, Christmas tree
How lovely are your branches.
Oh, Christmas tree, Oh, Christmas tree
How lovely are your branches.
Stained red, you bore God’s only Son,
Born but to suffer death, He won
Salvation and eternal life
For all upon your branches.

4. Oh, Christmas tree, Oh, Christmas tree
How lovely are your branches
Oh, Christmas tree, Oh, Christmas tree
How lovely are your branches.
So evermore when we behold
Your beauty let the news be told
The Christ child born on Christmas Day
Brought glory to your branches.

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