Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Strawmen of Dead Orthodoxy & Cold Doctrine

I often hear those who castigate our Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod complain that we have degenerated into a liberal, lawless, lack of substance on one hand, and a strict and stodgy dead orthodoxy of cold doctrine on the other.

While we indeed may have factions that have fallen off the horse of the one holy Christian and Apostolic faith on either side, I take exception to the catch phrases, "dead orthodoxy" and "cold doctrine," and submit that they are strawmen set up to divert the attention of the faithful from God's Word, which has been revealed -- to men's hearts, which are known only to God.

I take exception to such phrases and call them strawmen -- first, because dead orthodoxy is a contradiction of terms, as is cold doctrine. If the faith that our doctrine teaches and our church practices is orthodox, it is the life of Christ in the flesh dwelling among us -- and thus neither cold nor dead. Second, because I know there are a great many orthodox pastors in the LCMS being faithful to their call, as servants of the Word and the dear souls of their congregations.

According to Matthew 28:19-20 and 1 Timothy 4:16, truly orthodox doctrine and practice is indicative of the very presence of Christ and delivers the salvation He accomplished once and for all on Calvary.

Lord, deliver us from the assaults of the evil one who tempts us to reject and try to substitute our pious works for the good gifts You have given us, and grant that the warm teaching of Your true doctrine and the life contained in the orthodox practice of Your Holy Christian Church may always have a home with the people of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the BBOV playground, Laughing Martin!

Excellent post, by the way. I've noticed several straw man arguments on both "sides" of the proverbial fence as well.

Welcome again!
in Christ!

I. M. Abaldy II said...

Never thought I'd be saying thanks to a JW, but thanks jw. ;^) And welcome to my blog.

So let's have at those strawmen you have noticed. I hear straw contributes well to a blaze.