Christ Sits at God's Right Hand.mp3
"Christ Sits at God's Right Hand," LSB #564
Tune: YIGDAL ("The God of Abram Praise")
Text: Stephen P. Starke
Christ sits at God's right hand,
His saving work complete,
To reign till ev'ry foe will lie
Beneath His feet--
All that the Father's planned,
The Son sought to fulfill,
When first He Said, "Lord, here am I
To do Your will."
Christ was that priest God swore,
Uniquely First and Last,
Who would in righteousness and love
Be unsurpassed:
"A priest forevermore,"
An oath God would not break,
"A priest within the order of
Christ's altar was the tree,
Where on the world's behalf
he shed a blood, unlike the blood
Of goat or calf,
To seal God's guarantee
Of grace that cannot fail;
With blood He entered for our good
behind the veil.
What costly sacrifice,
To cover human sin!
Who but Christ Jesus had the right
To enter in?
His blood, that sprinkled price,
So we might be assured
That our inheritance in light
Has been secured.
Then let us now draw near,
Washed in that precious flood
And enter the Most Holy Place
By Jesus blood.
From hearts that are sincere,
Let tongues our hope profess,
And trust anew God's faithful grace
That we confess.
All praise to Christ we bring,
Our Lord who intercedes,
Our great High Priest enthroned above
Who knows our needs;
And to the Father sing
Our songs of thankful praise,
Who with the Spirit reigns in love
For endless days.
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