Sunday, August 18, 2013

"Our Hands-On God"

The Lord formed you in your mother’s womb even as He formed Adam in the beginnin...g. And even as sin deformed Adam and Eve to the point of death and getting tossed out of the paradise of the Garden, the seed of your sinful father corrupted the clay of your flesh being formed by God so that it would surely die, and the womb in which you were being formed was wobbling to the point of tossing you out into this world as a deformed and useless vessel. As such you were unfit for the kingdom of God.

But God did not toss you onto the scrapheap. No, out of His great love for you--by Baptism and the remission of your sins, by Holy Communion with Christ in His own flesh and blood for the forgiveness of sins--He is taking the fallen, sinful, dying clay that is your flesh and reforming you like a potter reclaiming a work of art that has collapsed and been flung off his wheel.

To hear and/or read the entire sermon preached for the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, "Our Hands-On God," click on this link.

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