Monday, May 27, 2013

Born of Flesh, Born of Spirit

Today is a very special day for the flesh—not only the flesh of believers, but of unbelievers as well. You see, Memorial Day is the day we honor our dead—particularly the dead who served to protect us in the armed services of our nation so ...that we at home might enjoy the freedom to assemble as we do right here, right now, today. Thanks be to God in Christ Jesus our Lord,...

But more importantly—yes, even more important than Memorial Day for all of us, whether believer or unbeliever; Christian, Muslim, & Jew; black, white, yellow or red; North or South American, European, Asian, African, Australian, or Antarctican for that matter—more importantly for all of us today is Holy Trinity Sunday....

To hear and/or read the entire sermon preached for The Feast of the Holy Trinity, click on this link.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Helper, the Holy Spirit

You are holy, that is to say, saints, because that is what the Holy Spirit has made you through Holy Baptism, through the preaching and teaching of the Holy Word of God, through the Holy Communion of Christ’s Church. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father [has sent] in [Jesus’] name, [has taught] you all [the] things and [brought] to your remembrance all that [Jesus has] said to you to open your ears and give you the spirit of hearing, to bring you out of the darkness of sin and into His marvelous light of salvation; to break your hearts of stone and turn them into hearts of flesh—that is, the “new heart, and new spirit” [Ezekiel 36:26] of faith.

When we think of a helper, we think of someone who gives us a little boost, or a helping hand to make difficult things easier to and faster to accomplish. But the Holy Spirit is the Helper sent by God to work in you what you cannot do for yourselves--period.

To hear and/or read the entire sermon preached for The Feast of Pentecost, click on this link.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Ascension of Our Lord: "He Fills All in All"

Paul tells us the ascended Christ seated at [His Father’s] right hand in the heavenly places,--more than having eyes in the back of His head, [having] all things under his feet … as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. [Ephesians 1:21-23]--has His eyes, ears, and all His members serving and filling the world with His good and gracious work.

This is what it truly means to be a lord—to watch over, serve, and protect the people under your jurisdiction. Having accomplished what only He could do on Calvary, our Lord ascends to the right hand of His Father whence He sends His Holy Spirit to deliver the forgiveness of sins and all of His righteous works through the people of His holy Christian Church to all the people of world.

To hear and or read the entire sermon preached for The Ascension of Our Lord, click on this link.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Prayer Is for the Asking

Dear children of God, the spirit is indeed willing, but our flesh is still weak. So we come to our Lord in prayer because prayer is for the asking—the asking of the Father for everything that is good, everything that is true, everything that is lasting, everything that is life. Here today we come together as His beloved baptized children to ask for forgiveness for our lack of prayer and sleeping on the job—among our other sins of what we do and don't do.

To hear and/or read the entire sermon preached for Rogate Sunday, click on this link.