Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sorrow WIll Turn into Joy

... for us today, the birth pain analogy of our Gospel text breaks down a bit. Thanks be to God, through modern medicine we have been able to significantly decrease the pain and anguish and mortality rate in child birth. But this has not come without cost—financially and spiritually.
Because of the high financial cost, we spend much of our lives working to secure the benefits of health care--and most of the rest of it finding ways to enjoy ourselves while we are able. After all, what is good health worth if you don’t have time to enjoy it?

This elimination of pain and seeking of pleasure is very costly spiritually. Sadly, so much of what happens within popular Christianity reflects and mimics the world. We will do just about anything to avoid suffering. And we have come to believe that all God wants is for us to be happy.

As with all sin and lies, there is a grain of truth to this....

To hear and/or read the entire sermon preached for Jubilate Sunday, click on this link.

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